Governance is a tool an [[Organizations|organization]] uses to decide where power should reside and who gets to click on what button. This process places rails around operations, which helps an organization get from point A to point B more smoothly.
- There is an idea that governance — public or corporate — is driven by the self-interested effort of leaders to acquire and keep their power.
- Governance means conflict. It also means resolution. Accept the former, focus on the latter, via transparency.
- There is still much room there is to try different things around Governance.
- Democratic Mediums. A directory of patterns for decision, deliberation, and noise.
- Metagovernance Project. An interdisciplinary research collective that builds standards and infrastructure for digital self-governance.
- CommunityRule. A governance toolkit for great communities.
- Verses.
- [[Decentralized Autonomous Organizations]]
- Common Digital Infrastructure